Were also excited to report that some new teeth have come in. A day or so after our last blog post, Kate's top right tooth popped through. We could tell it was coming because her gum was just sheer white and harder then her other gums. Well, sure enough it popped through and then a day later the one on the left followed. She now has both her top and bottom right and left teeth. See looks so cute!
Monday, March 28, 2011
It's Signing Time with Kate!
Were also excited to report that some new teeth have come in. A day or so after our last blog post, Kate's top right tooth popped through. We could tell it was coming because her gum was just sheer white and harder then her other gums. Well, sure enough it popped through and then a day later the one on the left followed. She now has both her top and bottom right and left teeth. See looks so cute!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Kate's Day with Lombardi
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Food, Food, Food
She continues to be a great eater for us, having the right portions of fruits and vegetables for lunch and dinner in addition to either watermelon or cheese. She has also been doing great with her sippy cup and we've found that since she's been having such nutritious meals, she's been drinking less formula before her naps and when she goes down for the night. It's great to see her making such progress! Enjoy the following pictures of our little Cheesehead during her mealtime adventures!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
And We're Back!
As I write this, I can’t help but think that Kate will be 10 months old tomorrow. Everyone told John and I that time flies even faster when you have kids and boy they weren’t kidding. It felt like we were just at the hospital yesterday as I can still hear my doctor say, “It’s a girl!” and vividly see my hospital bed surrounded by John, my parents and his parents.
Given how fast the past 10 months have gone by, it’s no wonder that February felt like it was here and gone with a snap of a finger. We experienced so many wonderful and exciting things this month. Kate has kept us rather busy and on our toes as she learned to pull herself up on the furniture and anything just slightly within her reach. She also continues to chew on everything since another tooth popped up right next to her first one. Needless to say, her kisses are turning into opportunities to utilize those chompers.
Given that she’s in her 9th month, she had her routine check-up with Dr. Schacht. She definitely gets her height from her daddy as she is in the 82nd percentile at 28.75 inches long. She now weighs 21 pounds, 10 ounces which is in the 86th percentile and her head is in the 42nd percentile. We were thrilled to hear that she’s thriving and thoroughly enjoyed this appointment since there were no shots. Hooray! We also got Dr. Schacht’s approval to start Kate on real foods. We attempted that this week and will talk about it in our next post so stay tuned! Until then, enjoy some pictures of Miss K.
Check Out My Cute Legs as I Stand On My Own!