We received an early Christmas present when we had our first ultrasound on the 22nd (pics to follow). Everything looked great and we feel so blessed to have received such great news.
Another present we received came the day after Christmas when I felt the baby kick for the first time! I had been asked several times if I had felt anything and I was beginning to think I was never going to be able to distinguish if what I was feeling was indeed the baby or if it was just me. I kept hearing about these "flutters" and found myself analyzing every little thing I felt. Sure enough, I felt that little "flutter" and a smile instantly appeared.
As the year comes to an end, John and I have plenty to be thankful for as we look back on 2009. This past year brought us good health, continued love and support from family and friends and of course, the wonderful news that our family will be expanding. We look forward to ending the year and starting a new one with the entire Burch family in West Bend. With our niece and nephews around, it will give John and I plenty of opportunities to get our "baby practice" in!
We would also like to wish Unkie Jeffy and Benjamin "Button" Burch a big happy birthday tomorrow! The Godfather/son share the same birthday because we all know that sharing is caring! Happy birthday! We love you both!
Finally you updated this blog....this is not really working for me! Why am I always the first one to comment??? I need a hobby! Oh yea! Its commenting on your blog!
Jen Burch
Um..."entire Burch family"?? Hello, remember me?
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