Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where Did That Come From?

It's amazing what a difference three weeks can make - or better yet, 24 hours. I woke up this morning only to find that my baby bump grew overnight. With this expanding belly, I found that my hand just had to gently rest on it all day due to this new feeling. While the nausea I've experienced has reassured me that I am pregnant, the physical changes are much more exciting!

John and I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything still looks great. You wouldn't believe it by looking at the picture, but my weight has remained the same since prior to getting pregnant. While my doctor stated that she was okay with that, she did add that if I don't start to gain a couple of pounds she is going to put me on the "Snickers and ice cream" diet. Um, can someone say fabulous?!

For those of you that believe this little one will be a girl, you will be happy to know that the heartbeat was at 150. I also received the H1N1 vaccine and after some discussion, John and I agreed to have some tests run to see if the baby is subject to a few specific birth defects. We have to wait a week until we receive the results so we are praying that everything comes back normal.

Given that I am 17 weeks along, we have an ultrasound scheduled in three weeks. Needless to say, we are thrilled and simply cannot wait! What better Christmas present than to see a picture of our baby!

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving! And yes, I do realize that I'm wearing a tank top while the fireplace is on. :)

1 comment:

Scott said...

You look sooooooooooooo cute!