Monday, July 12, 2010

10 Weeks!

I can't believe our little peanut will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. During my pregnancy days 10 weeks seemed like an eternity, but now that she is here time seems to be passing by in the blink of an eye. We had her 2 month appointment last week and I'm happy to report that Kate is completely healthy. She now weighs 10 pounds, 12 ounces and is 22 inches long. Both of these statistics puts her in the 50th percentile for children her age.

Unfortunately her two month check-up also meant that she was due for some shots. I wasn't aware that she was going to be receiving vaccinations prior to her appointment which was probably a blessing in disguise. Ironically, John had planned on meeting me at the doctor's office because he wasn't able to make her last one. He sure picked quite the day to come! As hard as it was, he held down Kate's little legs so the nurse could poke her three times and give her an oral vaccination for Rotavirus. Immediately following, his warm and caring personality was highlighted as he comforted our little girl and she calmed down in an instant. Kate and I are so blessed to have him in our lives as he takes such great care of the both of us!

I don't have any real recent pictures to post at the moment as our camera is at Joe and Deb's. Once we obtain it, we'll post pics of all of the exciting events that have taken place over the past couple of weeks including Kate's first ladies luncheon and her first boat ride!

Have a great week everyone!

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