Thursday, November 4, 2010

Get Well Soon, Uncle Greg

On Tuesday, John's brother Greg underwent jaw surgery which required the surgeon to break his jaw and completely shift his entire mouth forward, backward, left and right. John, Kate and I visited him in the hospital that evening and while we felt completely helpless, we were glad that Kate was able to bring a little smile to his face. She even picked out a "Get Well Soon" balloon and brought it with her to give to him.

Greg and Kate have always had such a special bond. He was at the hospital the day she was born and she quickly learned that Uncle Greg's arms were just as cozy as could be. You could see and quickly sense the instant love he had for her and as parents it just warms our hearts to witness that love each time they are together.

We love you very much, Grey, and we hope that your road to recovery passes quickly!

Hi Uncle Grey! :)

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