Monday, November 21, 2011

Girls Weekend

This past weekend, Kate and I had a girls weekend. John went up north on his annual "hunting" trip (a.k.a. drink beer and watch football) with his brothers, dad, uncles and cousins on Saturday which left Kate and I to fend for ourselves.

We had a busy day on Saturday that started off with a playdate with Kate's best friend at daycare, Paige. Kate and Paige are only 2 weeks apart in age and they have such a great time together. I've been told that they hold hands as they dance during their daily morning song and each time I drop off Kate we are greeted by Paige as she says, "Hi Kate". It's so sweet and I'm so glad that she is making friends.

Sidenote: We had her Parent/Teacher conference last Thursday (yes, you read that right) and we were told that she's not too fond of the male form. She has a little boy in her class and she wants nothing to do with him. Of course, the first thing out of John's mouth was, "All right!".

After her playdate, she took a longer nap than normal and upon waking up we headed right to the mall to meet my friend Amber who I haven't seen in about a year. We had a great time shopping and catching up, but before long we had to head home as Kate hadn't had dinner yet.

After dinner, I was so excited to introduce Kate to one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time: Home Alone. Unfortunately she was more interested in her balls, books, rings, etc. so the movie had to wait. God bless DVR!

It was so much fun spending some one-on-one time with her, but we also couldn't wait until John/Daddy got home!

Kate and I Napping

We're Starting To Work on Using Utensils. Can You Tell?

Great Aunt Jill, Thank You For The Balls!

The "I'm Up To No Good" Smirk


Andrea said...

How did you take the picture if you were both napping? :)

Auntie Dre

Scott said...

Gosh she looks like such a little toddler now! Very cute!