Friday, October 19, 2012

I DID IT!!!!!

The new buzz phrase around the Weiland household is....I DID IT!  Kate has officially gotten the hang of going on the potty!  We kind of went back and forth with it the past few months as she showed interest and then sort of pulled back.  The last few weeks though we've seen progress and yesterday was the first day where we could tell she fully grasped the concept.  She went on the potty 5 times and each time the same phrase came rushing out of her mouth....I DID IT!!!!!

We couldn't be more proud of our little lady.  Goodbye day time diapers...for good!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I did it today too!! It's like a potty party! Woo Wooooooooo!

So proud of my little Kater Tot! :)

XOXO Auntie Dre & Chuck