Friday, February 26, 2010

Bellin Clinic - My Second Home

Last week was rather interesting to say the least. I had my regular doctor's appointment on Monday and because I was 28 weeks along I needed to be tested for gestational diabetes. I got to drink that wonderful sugary drink and have my blood drawn prior to my normal appointment. While meeting with my doctor, the nurse delivered the results and my blood sugar level was much higher than where it was supposed to be. It turns out I wasn't supposed to drink that Coke right before I left for my appointment! Given that information, my doctor decided to have me drink the "magic potion" again rather than put me through a 3 hour lab which would normally be the next step.

So, Wednesday morning rolled around and I went back to the doctor's office to have my blood drawn again after having the glucose drink. I was in and out in about 15 minutes and was confident that I passed this test with flying colors. Wrong. I ended up being three "points" higher than where I needed to be - meaning I had to go back yet again for a 3 hour lab.

So this brings us to Friday. As I checked in, the woman that helped me asked, "Weren't you just here yesterday?". Yet again, I had to drink another glucose drink only this time it contained even more sugar. The nurse drew my blood prior to me having the drink and then every hour for the next three hours. I was not allowed to leave the premises or eat/drink anything which made for quite a long stay. Thank goodness for the televisions in the fitness center!

When all was said and done, I left the clinic with bandaids on both my arms due to all the blood that was drawn. When John got home from work I showed him my "battle wounds" and his response was, "It was a good thing you didn't get pulled over on your way home. The cop would have probably thought you were a heroin addict.". Ahh, my husband - always good for a laugh. I am happy to report though that my 3 hour lab came back completely normal so no gestational diabetes for me! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Scott and Kimberly said...

ohh glad to here everything ok xoxox