Monday, April 19, 2010

37 Weeks

It's hard to believe our baby could arrive at any moment. Our due date is now less than three weeks away and I must admit I've been critically analyzing every movement I've been experiencing. It's weird to think that these kicks, punches and somersaults will all come to an end soon, but in turn we will get to meet and hold this precious little bundle of joy that has been responsible for these wonderful movements the past nine months.

John and I have been working on getting the house fully prepared for the arrival of our little one. We have our hospital bag packed - a task that I found was more emotional than I thought it was going to be. Knowing we'll be leaving for the hospital as a family of two and returning as a family of three just really hit me in the best way possible.

I am happy to report that the baby still sounds healthy and has been moving down the past couple of weeks. We have another appointment this afternoon as we are now doing weekly visits so please check back for updates! In the meantime, feel free to check out the picture of me at 36 weeks!


P*P*P said...

Shelly & John -- I have loved reading your blog posts! I am so excited for you both! :)

Good luck with everything! Can't wait to hear about him/her and see pictures!!! :)

Leah said...

Shelly, the baby's room looks great! Hang in there over these last few weeks. We are all thinking of you and John and wishing you well!