Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reflection: Father's Day Weekend

My apologies for not being diligent with our blog updates. I swear, Chuck has had more updates in the past few weeks than the Weiland family. For those of you who aren't familiar with Chuck, you're missing out on one cool cat.

I'd like to go back a few weeks to Father's Day weekend. John, Kate and I spent the weekend at my parent's house in West Bend. On Saturday, John discovered his new favorite place in West Bend - "The Candyman". John, myself, my sister-in-law Laura and the kids (Brooke, Charlie & Kate) capitalized on the beautiful weather and took a stroll downtown to purchase some tasty treats. I have a feeling that this will become a staple each time we visit going forward.

On Sunday we celebrated a very special Father's Day. We began the day by going to mass and our little peanut decided to give dad an extra present and spit up all over him and herself. Luckily, it was near the end of mass so we didn't have to smell that lovely milky scent for an hour. After mass, we proceeded to have brunch and open gifts. John even got a well-deserved nap in! It was very special to be with family on John's very first Father's Day.

For those of you that know John or simply read these posts, it comes as no shock to you that he is an incredible father. The best part of my day is when he comes home from work and interacts with Kate. While he entertains her with song and dance, he also makes me laugh. It brings such joy to my heart to watch him love her the way that he does. It's no wonder her favorite onesie reads "Daddy Makes Me Smile".

I love you, Daddy!
Kate giving Daddy a big smooch
Our niece, Brooke, and Kate seeing eye-to-eye
Everyone can't get enough of Kate!
Simon says, "Open your mouth"


Scott said...

Oh Johnny boy you are such a good daddy! I will totally second that :) Glad you had a great first fathers day and I hope you have a million more! Kate looks precious as usual! Miss you guys.
Jen :)

Andrea said...

I would concur that Juanton is a great dad and that I'm a cool cat. :)