Sunday, August 8, 2010

Who Did That?

The 10:30 mass today at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a little more eventful than usual. We just got a new priest due to the retirement of Fr. Jim and the bishop was present to officially welcome him to his new parish.

With the hype of the new priest and the presence of the bishop, Kate felt as though we weren't paying enough attention to her. To make her presence known, she decided to let out the loudest burp known to mankind. Of course she didn't do it while we were singing or saying the "Our Father" - she waited for the perfect moment when the congregation was completely silent. John and I (and parish members surrounding us) erupted in laughter and we watched as heads turned from pews ahead of us to get a glimpse of the culprit.

As if that wasn't enough, she decided to let out another "bubbly" burp later in mass that was followed by some lovely spit up. At the time of that burp, I was holding her so she was facing the individuals in the pew behind us. I saw the young girl sitting behind me jump back as she feared that she may be doused in spit up, but fortunately it landed on the burp cloth and continued to dribble down her chin.

She continued to entertain us as it came time to bless our new priest. The congregation was asked to extend their hand for the blessing and from a deep sleep, Kate raised her right hand for about five seconds. Even when she's sleeping, she knows how to make us laugh.

While our little lady didn't act the most lady-like in mass today, she did receive a blessing from the bishop as she went up to communion with dad. How special!


Unknown said...

..and WE know what her godfather did in church!! (Is "burp" a German word?)

Shelly Weiland said...

I can still see Greg's entire body shaking from laughing so hard.

P*P*P said...

This is too funny, Shelly!