Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super Bowl Champs!

The other day, I found myself reflecting on how good it is to be Kate. For the most part, she gets to do whatever she wants, everyone tries to entertain her at all times, her meals are almost always spoon-fed right to her......and on top of all that, all she knows is the Green Bay Packers as Super Bowl Champions! Needless to say, it was a great night two Sunday's ago. After the big game Shelly was sweet enough to drop my brother and I off Downtown where we met my parents for a post game celebration! The streets were absolutely nuts! Filled with thousands of screaming fans, cars with their windows down and their inhabitants high-fiving everyone they drove by and to top it all off, Green and Gold Fireworks later that night! The last time the Packers won the Super Bowl I was 14 and a shade too young to enjoy the festivities of downtown, but I certainly wasn't going to miss it this time and I'm thrilled I didn't. Here's a couple of pics from our experience!

Smile's All-Around
Celebrating with New Friends
The Amazing Ice Sculpture on the Streets Downtown
Needless to say, we had an absolute blast and it was so much fun to watch the Packers' inspired run through the playoffs!

Since then, Kate continues to keep us more and more busy. The word "mobile" doesn't being to describe her lately. When we put her on the floor she's simply....gone! She crawls anywhere and everywhere and is having so much fun exploring her house. The only way we've been able to slow her down lately is by "bribing her with Mom's Valentines Day Chocolate."

Like Mother, Like Daughter
Kate's New Valentine's Day Hat from Mimi!
Other than that, Shelly and I have just really been enjoying the winding down from the holidays. It's been so nice to be able to spend some quality time with Kate on the weekends. It seemed like things were so busy that we didn't have much time to just sit back and enjoy the time with our little lady. So, that's the news as of late. We hope everyone is doing well and GO PACK GO!


Scott said...

Ok People! You need to update your blog more often. Once every 3 weeks is not doing it for me!

I can't believe what a big girl Kate is. She is starting to look like a toddler and not a baby anymore!
Can't wait to see you guys in May!
Auntie Jen

Unknown said...

Finally got caught up on reading your blog. John!!! Come On!!! Don't believe you one bit..."I was 14 and tad too young to celebrate the Super Bowl victory".... you just couldn't make it downtown!!!!
Heard that from your "BUD"

a non o mus

J, S said...

Care-Bear...what are you implying about me? *Shamelessly covers face*