Sunday, April 1, 2012


Last weekend Greg, Laura, Brooke and Charlie Burch came our way for a few days. I was able to "coerce" Greg into giving me a hand tiling the bathroom since he had done it to his bathroom a few years ago. We also tackled the laminate flooring in Kate's new playroom while we were waiting for the leveling compound in the bathroom to dry. Once that dried up, Greg handled the tiling while I finished the laminate flooring. So to be honest, Greg is the one that did all the dirty work. He measured everything, cut the tiles and laid them. All I had to do to finish it was grout. When Saturday evening rolled around I was so thrilled with what we had gotten done.

The whole crew ended up spending the night and it was so nice to have them up for a few days. The kids had a blast together and we got so much done. A huge thanks to Greg for giving up his Saturday and helping us out. We're so appreciative!

Kate peaks in on the newly floored bathroom


Laura said...

Im really excited to see the painting!

J, S said...

Once we finish cutting in one more wall in the guest room and finish painting the stripes in Kate's playroom, we'll post 'em.