Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rock & Read Baby!

The past week or so, we've made it a priority to bring Kate into her room before she goes to bed for the night and rock in the glider while we read books. We termed the activity "Rock & Read". It didn't take Kate long to learn the phrase and she's been saying it quite a bit lately.

On Saturday night, Shelly took Kate into her room and the two of them nestled up in the glider, put a blanket over each other and began reading. Without hesitation, Kate looked up at Shelly and blurted out..."ROCK & READ BABY!" We've been laughing about it ever since!

Her vocabulary has grown so much in the past month or two and beyond that, some of the stuff coming out of her mouth is beyond hilarious! That's our Peanut!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I can't wait to teach her some new words!! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!