Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Kate!

This past Friday our sweet Kate turned 2 years old!  If we thought the first year of her life went fast, the second blew by in the blink of an eye.  I can't believe she's already two years old.  Kate, we love you so much and couldn't be more proud of you.  You're the most wonderful daughter and words can't described how blessed we are to have you in our lives.  Watching you grow and learn new things has meant the world to us.

So, here's some pictures and video of her birthday weekend.  Friday night we had a birthday celebration with the Weilands and then we had one with the Burch's in West Bend on Saturday.  Enjoy!

 Kate unwraps her new book, "The Very Hungry Catepillar" 

Shelly's Beautiful "Very Hungry Catepillar" Themed Cupcakes

Kate and her cousins play in her new Bounce Castle


Andrea said...

Love the family photo!! You all look great! (even you John) :)

Abigail Finn said...

Hope Kate had a great Birthday! She is growing so quickly! Cute cupcakes Shel. My mom is doing an Eric Carle/ Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for Liz's shower... I'll have to show her your idea :)