Monday, May 30, 2011

DC Vacation

A week ago Friday the three of us headed to Scott & Jen Burch's home in DC for a fun-filled, busy mini vacation. The agenda for the 5 days we were there consisted of their baby Cameron's baptism, Zach's (our God Son) birthday party, Jen's birthday and the Warrior Dash. For those who aren't familiar with the Dash, its a 3.11 mile mud-race with a dozen or so obstacles along the way. The Baptism and Birthday's were all so wonderful to be a part of given how we typically aren't able to attend due to how far away we live from them. On top of that, I'm afraid Jen has created a monster in me in regards to these types of races. I'm now hooked and am going to be doing the Wisconsin Warrior Dash in about 3.5 months...and just a few days ago, I signed up for the Tough Mudder, which is a 10+ mile mud race with twice as many obstacles all of which are far more difficult to complete. I'm beyond hooked and plan on doing these every year for the foreseeable future.

Anyway, the trip was very busy from beginning to end, but we sure got quite a bit accomplished in such a short time. As for little miss Kate, she did wonderful with the travel, especially since it was her first time on a plane. Thanks again to Scott & Jen for opening your house up to all of us. We truly appreciate your hospitality.

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