Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Kate!

We want to extend a big Happy Birthday to Kate who, on Wednesday celebrated her first Birthday! It's so hard to believe it was already a year ago that she came into this world. On her Birthday we had the Weiland bunch over for dinner, gift opening and "Happy Birthday" singing. We're all very thankful for Shelly given that singing talent waived "bye-bye" to the Weiland's a long time ago.

After dinner, we preceded to open gifts. Shelly and I got Kate a personalized chair for her to lounge in given how much she loves to be comfortable. She's always sitting and laying against us, burying her head in pillows and blankets and just in general trying to find the most comfy positions. At first, she was a little unsure about what to do with her new chair, but now she's climbing on it and burying her head on the seat portion......essentially everything but sitting in it. :)

Kate also received a beautiful, homemade scrap book of her first year from Mimi and JoPa, as well as a hand-knitted birthday cake hat from Mimi.

Uncle Greg bought her an awesome Packers outfit that will be a perfect fit at the start of next season. It's got the "G" logo on it and underneath it says "Rookie".As for Ryan, we're a little nervous about getting his gift given the "smart" look on his face when talking about it. He'll be giving it to Kate tomorrow during her Birthday Party! We have family and friends coming from near and far to celebrate Kate's big day! We can't wait to see you all and we'll post another blog entry after it ends.

Finally, happy early Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! We all, so appreciate everything you do for us. Also, happy belated birthday to Unlce Ryan and upcoming to Auntie Dre, Uncle Greg, JoPa (my Dad), & Kari!

Here's some other pictures from Kate' s big day:

Kate Sporting Her "1" Onesie
Looking Good JoPa
Kate Sitting in Her New Chair


Jen said...

She is so freakin cute I could just eat her up. I just might do that when I see her. Wish we could be there tomorrow to celebrate her first party. Eat lots of cake for me.

Grosse Tante Lynn said...

Adorable!! I heard that Andrea made some naughty comments about Kates Birthday hat .... (which is really sweet btw!)
I can´t believe she is 1 already!